Desjardins Insurance

Tracking returns

Guarantee advantage - logo
Fields are all dynamic. Changing this data will automatically change the result of the calculation.

Select the investment's features:

Return not found

Return on basket of securities

Campaign ended {{dateEcheance | formatDate}}

Maturity date: {{dateEcheance | formatDate}}

Final return:
{{rendementFinal | percentage:2}}
Average annual

{{rendMoyenAnnuel | percentage:2}}

Calculation of final return

{{rendMoyJoursPartValue|formatPourcentage:2}} (average of specific Business Days) X {{Participation}} (participation rate) = {{rendementFinal | percentage:2}}

Specific Business Days

Specific Business Days
Date Return
{{jour.x | date:'MMMM d, yyyy'}} {{jour.y|formatPourcentage:2}}
The zone's maximum return has been applied as the average for the specific business days is greater than {{zoneMax|formatPourcentage:2}}.
The zone's maximum return has been applied as the average for the specific business days multiplied by a participation rate of {{Participation}}% is greater than {{zoneMax|formatPourcentage:2}}.
The zone's minimum return has been applied as the average for the specific business days is less than {{zoneMin|formatPourcentage:2}}.

Return on basket of securities

This scenario represents the evolution of securities basket for the campaign mentionned above.The total return is equal to the average of the cumulative returns for each security in the basket on each of three specific Business Days, detailed to each campaign. For more information about Guarantee Advantage please refer to the Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company Term Investment Contract and the current campaign's features table. Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company.

Returns in table format

Specific Business Days returns

Specific Business Days returns
Date Return
{{jour.x | date:'MMMM d, yyyy'}} {{jour.y|formatPourcentage:2}}

Monthly average returns

Monthly average returns
Date Return
{{donnee.key| getMonth}} {{donnee.taux | formatPourcentage:2}}