Travelling with kids? We’ve got great discounts for you!
Made-to-measure savings
3-day discount
What it is | It’s for you if | What it covers |
3 days of travel insurance
free of charge with superior coverage. Discount applies for the entire duration of your trip | you’re a Desjardins member.
| - Emergency healthcare
- Trip cancellation
- Lost or damaged baggage
- Accidental death or loss of use
Affordable family premium
What it is | It’s for you if | What it covers |
If several members of the same family are insured under the same contract, only the two oldest family members pay a premium. Kids travelling with their parents or grandparents are insured free of charge for Emergency Healthcare, Baggage and Accident. | you’re travelling with your children or grandchildren. | - Emergency healthcare
- Lost or damaged baggage
- Accidental death or loss of use
Desjardins Discount
What it is | It’s for you if | What it covers |
3 days of travel insurance
free of charge (or more on some Desjardins credit cards). Your spouse and children who travel with you are also covered | you have a
Desjardins credit card – Ouvre une boîte d'aide.
| - Emergency healthcare
- Trip cancellation
- Lost or damaged baggage
- Accidental death or loss of use
Coverages and duration vary depending on the card. |
Great for families
Includes Emergency Healthcare, Accident (while travelling or while aboard an aircraft), Baggage and Trip Cancellation/Interruption (optional).
It covers an unlimited number of trips for one year so you don’t have to buy a new contract for each trip.